
Launched in December 2023, the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) provides dental care coverage to Canadian residents with an adjusted family net income below $90,000/year and who lack access to private dental insurance. The CDCP will affect up to 9 million Canadian residents and aims to help ease financial barriers to accessing oral health care services. It will provide coverage to eligible Canadian residents, who currently do not have access to dental insurance.
CDCP covers a vast array of oral care services, from regular cleaning to dentures, to advanced surgeries such as extractions. Saberton provides many services included in CDCP benefits, to inquire more about services you need please book a free consultation with us here.
Further, Saberton partners with local dentists to ensure our patients get the care they need even if we do not provide these services ourselves.
Please Note: Some oral health care services will require preauthorization. These treatments and/or services take into consideration an individual’s oral health history and medical conditions.
The CDCP will reimburse a percentage of the cost, based on established CDCP fees and your adjusted family net income. You may have to pay additional charges if:
- Your adjusted family net income is between $70,000 and $89,999, in which there is a co-pay
- If the fees are more than the established CDCP fees
- To get a quote on the services you require please book a free consultation with us here.
Saberton as a registered provider of the CDCP and can electronically submit your treatments and services costs to Sun Life. Co-payments (if applicable) must be paid by the patient separately.
You may have a co-payment based on your adjusted family net income.
A co-payment is the percentage of the CDCP fees that isn’t covered by the CDCP.
Your co-payment is based on your adjusted family net income.
Disclaimer: The CDCP is a new program that is constantly evolving. Eligibility information below is based on the latest public information at the time of posting, it is meant to represent true government eligibility nor is it binding. For the latest criteria please visit the official Canadian Government website.
Eligible individuals will receive a letter inviting that individual to apply for the program. Once enrolled, eligibility will be verified annually. However, one does not need the letter to apply.
Income Criteria:
Applicants must have an adjusted family net income of less than $90,000. This is calculated by subtracting universal child care benefits (UCCB) and registered disability savings plans (RDSP) from net income exclusive of amounts repaid for those programs.
In order to determine eligibility, all employers and pension plan administrators must include on T4 and T4A income tax forms whether the individual or members of their family had access to dental insurance benefits for the reporting tax year.
On the T4 form, this will be box 45, and on the T4A form it will be box 015, both of which will specify a code to indicate the scope of coverage available to the individual.
Lack of Other Coverage:
In order to be eligible, applicants must have no other dental insurance coverage. However, having coverage through provincial/territorial or federal governments plans such as ODSP is acceptable and will not disqualify applicants.
Canadian Residency:
To be accepted, applicants must be a Canadian resident, and must have filed a tax return the year preceding coverage in the program.
If you are already enrolled in CDCP and would like to schedule an appointment, you can book a time here.
CDCP is managed by Sun Life on behalf of the Government of Canada.
If you believe you are eligible for CDCP enrolment you must submit an application directly to Service Canada online. You can start the process on the government website here.
If you find the application process difficult, book a free consultation and one of our clinical staff would be happy to assist you in the process.
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The Saberton Difference means our main goal is to help inform and guide our patients on how they can better their life. We aim to meet our prospective patients within 48 hours of contacting Saberton, offer free consultations to learn about your unique needs, and craft a treatment plan to help you make an informed decision.